Happy New Year Everyone!

First of all, I would like to thank all the actors that came to The 2015 New Years Day Initiative – Acting Workshop! Thank you Sawandi, Mysia, Santoya, Nina, Daisha, Soyina, Kai, Perri’, Justine, Rahiem, Yansen, Mo, Jenelle, Leo, Christina, Ashley, Brooke, Ronnie, Shonte, Siani, Khaila, Sheila, Natalie and Eric!! I decree by the anointing that the Holy Spirit has blessed the teacher in me with, you will be working this year!! All you have to do is One Thing A Day, at least, towards your goals and dreams! You blessed me with your presence. Thank you so much!!!
Second, I held off from teaching because I took the assignment of directing a new musical which I have since released. Listen artists, you must define yourself. This will inform the decisions you make for yourself; not only artistically also personally. For example… My contract is: I am a discerning, healing, large-hearted, and inspiring acting coach, teacher and director. And at a certain point I realized I wouldn’t be honoring my artist if I had continued. Always approach you work in the Spirit of Excellence. If something impedes that you may want to think twice. All of this to say, I will be in full force come February’s workshop. This is my assignment.
The World premier of Love Always, Eartha on January 9th was a huge success! Oh my gosh!!! I was honored to direct such a fine and committed group of actors! Many of my MPTP actors burned the screen all the way up!!! I am so proud! Looking forward to the red carpet premier for investors January 17th, Eartha Kitt’s birthday! Eden Entertainment is a top notch company that I will work with time and time again. I am grateful they trusted me to assist in the birth of this baby. We are now moving into the funding phase to submit to various film festivals. Please visit : http://www.lovealwayseartha.com/#!donate/c3bm
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
And lastly, this year I will be focusing on 3 projects including 2 feature films and 1 documentary. These are my babies. As everyone knows, I love to put my actors to work. The only thing is, you’ve got to show up so I can see your work!! I must see that you are ready and determined.
In closing, I’d like to thank you for the time you took to read my very first blog!! YAY!!! I will do these updates as often as I can.
Godspeed, Friends!
Sincere in the Craft,
Marishka S. Phillips.