Greetings Friends!
This has been a blessed week for me and I wanted to share my joy with you! In my line of work, I don’t get to go out and be social very often. I always have my face in a script, breaking down sides or reading new material to better my self as a teacher. I am committed to my assignment. Therefore, when a breakthrough comes through, I believe it’s important to share because hard work always pays off! We don’t have to always know when.
This week I am the New Yorker of the week in The NY Amsterdam News! Here is the link, please take a read. A special thank you to my publicist BJ Coleman. He’s awesome!
Then, I was on Twitter advertising Pandora’s Box, that’s coming up on April 27th, 9pm at Stage 72. Special guest stars Monifah Carter and Sandra Reaves-Phillips,
A wonderful woman, Nigeria from Urban Buzz Magazine, picked up on it and we did an on the spot interview!!! Take a listen!
And last but definitely not least, I was offered help for my crowd funding campaign for my screenplay, MELINDA. Thank you Leo Rising!!! I have full confidence that the financial blessing I need to bring my dream to the screen will come. I trust God! And I need your help!
Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs. God bless you and Godspeed!
Sincere in the Craft,